Profound Healing Of Symptoms Related To A Genetic Condition ~
A QHHT session story by Suzanne Spooner.
Hi Everyone,
I want to share with you an amazing story of my client, Reese Gaertner. (A big thank you for her giving her blessing to use her name.) She came to me last November with a laundry list of physical discomforts, over 40 surgeries including basal cell skin cancer, and the understandable depression that accompanies long-time illness. Combined with hopelessness when the condition is understood as genetic with little possibility for improvement, she was seeking answers. She and I have stayed in touch and have enjoyed how her quality of life has changed without the physical discomfort and how her level of happiness has risen. She says;
“Since the QHHT session, the changes in my life and health have been amazing, miraculous, and profound. Some things have shifted gradually, some things improved within a matter of days. Almost immediately following the session, the lower abdominal pain went away, and it has stayed away. No more chronic pain in that area. Period.”

Here is her story...


Reese Gaertner, (qhht)